Honda XL175 Carb Rebuild Kit/ Set 1976 1977 1978 Carburetor Repair Jet - Gasket
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This is a very helpful kit to get your Honda XL175 tuned up and running nicely again! Includes all items as shown...new float bowl gasket, float needle and seat, #110 Main Jet and #40 slow Jet, air mixture and idle screw, needle and much more! Top quality aftermarket kit. We look forward do doing business! We do also have the correct XL175 carb kit set for the earlier 1973-1975 XL175 bikes on our website too.
Float Bowl Gasket
Carb Needle
Needle Seat
"E" Clip
Spring Seat
Air Mixture Screw
Air Mixture Spring
Main Jet #110
Slow Jet #40
"O" Ring
Idle Screw
Idle Spring
Top Cover Gasket
Spring Seat
Air Mixture Screw
Air Mixture Spring
Main Jet #110
Slow Jet #40
"O" Ring
Idle Screw
Idle Spring
Top Cover Gasket